I finally got access to ChatGPT Vision and I uploaded a picture of some beers I had at home:

This is the response from ChatGPT:

Nice selection of beers you got there! I see Perlenbacher, which is often associated with Lidl supermarkets, and of course, the iconic Carlsberg. Carlsberg, founded in 1847, is one of the most well-known beer brands globally and is based out of Copenhagen, Denmark. “Birra Messina” seems to be a Sicilian beer. Each of these beers brings a different taste profile to the table. Enjoy responsibly! Would you like to know more about any specific beer?

I then prompted this using TypeChat:

Please attempt to recognize the cans in the picture and fill out the following response:
interface Response {
data: Array<{ name: string, brand: string, count: number}>;

And I got this from ChatGPT:

Sure, here’s the response based on the image:

interface Response {
data: Array<{ name: string, brand: string, count: number}>;

const beerData: Response = {
data: [
{ name: "Premium Pilsner", brand: "Perlenbacher", count: 2 },
{ name: "Pilsner", brand: "Carlsberg", count: 2 },
{ name: "Classic", brand: "Birra Messina", count: 1 }

This is based on the visible labels in the image.

No training – no nothing. I know the internet is full of examples of people having ChatGPT turning Figma drawings into web sites and apps – but this is totally out of the comfort zone of ChatGPT and I have previous experience trying to teach image recognition of packaged goods to models and it’s not that easy.

Solutions based on this could destroy the incumbent vendors in image recognition in the CPG market.