Stuff about Software Engineering

Month: May 2011

Persondataloven skal skrottes – jo før jo bedre

Det mener i hverfald formanden for Dansk IT Klaus Kvorning Hansen i en artikel i CW den 2011-05-30.

Og jeg er helt enig!

Det er indlysende at den nuværende lovgivning står i vejen for mulighederne for at gøre Danmark til et D-land og samtidigt totalt blokerer for udnyttelse af Cloud computing og dermed de enorme besparelser der følger med.

Det er paradoksalt at det nu ikke længere er teknologien der står i vejen for digitalisering men jura, holdninger og politikere.

Jeg har tidligere skrevet om barrierer for effektiv digitalisering og en omskrivning af persondataloven i dens nuværende form er et godt første skridt på en nedbrydning af barrierne.

EA is moving into the cloud and has left SOA behind

10 years ago Enterprise Achitecture (EA) was (among other things) about connecting systems using the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) pattern.

Building and connecting systems using SOA was hard, most of the vendors has slightly different interpretations of SOA and thus different implementations hereof causing most systems you wanted to connect to require some middleware component that could translate between different dialects of SOA.

Technology itself was in the way, no matter how much EA and SOA you could throw at a problem integrating systems to get that illusive business advantage, you still had to tackle different endpoint implementations, type conversions and mapping between huge XML schemas from this standard to that standard.

ZapThink even published an explanation of the tenets of SOA using Lego bricks to make it easier to understand.

Fast forward 10 years and people are still talking SOA and most public RfPs still cite SOA as a requirement. The main difference is that SOA now just works.

The entire Web2.0 stack is based on SOA using communication between systems based on Web Services. The Cloud may be driving in huge datacenters that reduce the cost for computing, storage and delivery but the fuel is the ability to connect systems across technologies, vendors and data.

Now is the time to finally apply EA to business problems and gain real value.

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