Developer Experience (DevEx) is critical for productivity, impact and retaining talent. In a world where software engineers are constantly asked to deliver more, faster, and more securely, companies can’t afford to treat DevEx and DevSecOps as separate priorities.

When these areas are siloed, we end up with fragmented workflows, frustrated developers, and disjointed experiences—counteracting the benefits of initiatives like unified development platforms. To move forward, we need an integrated approach to DevEx and DevSecOps, making security a seamless part of the development process while avoiding the fragmentation that current approaches have caused.

The current fragmented approach to DevSecOps is undermining Developer Experience. DevEx and DevSecOps serve different purposes, but poorly implemented DevSecOps practices can harm DevEx, reducing efficiency and developer satisfaction. It’s about ensuring security practices support developer productivity rather than interfere with it.

The Fragmentation Problem: A Warning for Growing Complexity

As organizations scale, it’s easy to fall into the trap of adding more tools to address new challenges—especially in security. Each new vulnerability or compliance requirement often results in adopting yet another tool. On the surface, this might seem like progress, but in reality, it adds complexity.

Each new platform comes with its own requirements, logins, and signals. Developers must toggle between different tools, piecing together information from multiple sources. This disrupts their workflow and increases the risk of errors. The very tools intended to improve security end up creating friction.

This fragmented approach seems common in many organizations. As more platforms are introduced, workflows become disjointed, and maintaining a unified process becomes harder. The result? Security becomes reactive, and developers spend less time building and improving software.

We need to rethink how we integrate security into the development process. A consolidated approach can help avoid these pitfalls while enhancing both security and productivity.

Our Success with Platform Consolidation: Improving Security and Developer Experience

At Carlsberg, we took a deliberate approach to consolidating our software development tools onto a single platform—GitHub—and used GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) to shift security left into the developer workflow. This allowed us to address security vulnerabilities at their source, directly within the tools developers are already familiar with.

By integrating security into the developer workflow, our developers could use AI-powered tools like GitHub Copilot to write more secure code as they worked. This approach streamlined the process, reducing the need for developers to toggle between multiple platforms and ensuring that the code we deployed was free from known security vulnerabilities at the time of writing. The impact on Developer Experience (DevEx) has been significant—security is now a natural part of the development process, not an afterthought.

This consolidation not only raised our security posture but also improved developer productivity. By reducing context-switching and embedding security into the natural flow of work, we created a more cohesive, efficient development environment where developers felt empowered to take ownership of both the code and its security.

The Opposite Trend in DevSecOps: Tool Fragmentation and Complexity

While we’ve seen success in consolidating our platform and raising both security and Developer Experience, it’s the norm for many organizations to face the opposite challenge. When implementing DevSecOps, the introduction of more security tools often leads to a fragmented workflow. Developers are required to interact with multiple platforms, each with its own set of logins, signals, and processes, which disrupts their focus and lowers productivity.

Research has shown that this tool-centric approach to DevSecOps can lead to operational gaps, inefficiencies, and a disjointed developer experience. The very tools designed to improve security end up creating friction, making it harder for developers to get their work done. In addition, the immaturity of some automated DevSecOps tools further complicates integration into continuous delivery pipelines, undermining both security and efficiency.

This fragmentation isn’t specific to any one organization; it’s a widespread challenge as security teams strive to keep up with growing threats and compliance demands. The proliferation of tools, however, often leads to more silos and increased complexity—exactly the opposite of what we’ve achieved through platform consolidation.

A Call for Streamlining DevSecOps: Learning from Consolidation

The lesson here is clear: adding more tools to the mix isn’t the answer. To fully realize the potential of DevSecOps, we need to move away from tool fragmentation and focus on embedding security into the developer workflow, as we did with our consolidated platform on GitHub. By simplifying the development process and integrating security from the start, we can achieve better outcomes for both security and Developer Experience.

Security needs to be central, not an afterthought. Rather than bolting on security measures after the fact or adding layers of complexity with new tools, security should be a seamless part of how developers work. By making security a core aspect of the development process, we ensure that it is baked in from the very beginning. This approach not only improves security itself but also enhances the overall Developer Experience by reducing the friction and overhead often associated with traditional security processes.


1. DevSecOps People: “Identifying the Primary Dimensions of DevSecOps: A Multi-vocal Literature Review,” discusses the fragmentation of DevSecOps and the challenge of integrating multiple tools into a seamless workflow.

2. AI for DevSecOps: A Landscape and Future Opportunities: This paper outlines the potential of AI in automating and enhancing security tasks within DevSecOps pipelines, but also highlights challenges around tool complexity and immaturity.